Wednesday 18 April 2007

How do you people organise a press archive?

Since this evening, has the beginnings of a press archive. Yes, it's a wiki page. Simple and more or less effective. My question to you: how to make it more effective?

  • What articles should we include? Obviously, "everything" is not an answer. I'm tempted to say everything people were paid for to write, plus high profile community brewn news.
  • What information should we include about the articles?
  • How can we make sure the archive stays up to date?
  • How do we give the press archive maximum exposure?
  • ...
Let the wisdom flow... into comments to this post. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

We may use the "raw text" version of the page to integrate the list somewhere at the website.

As always we can dream of a simple dynamic page were anyone can submit new entry and were a few registered user could validate submission...

Perú Huancayo Mission said...

This iss awesome

Perú Huancayo Mission said...

Great shaare