Saturday 4 August 2007

Cult of the Flying Spaghetti Monster procession

We had a lot of fun yesterday trying to convert creationist christians to pastafarianism. Thanks, NOS television for the coverage!

P.S. Watch the video!


Anonymous said...

Een regelrechte schande, deze hele schertvertoning.

Andermans geloof te schande maken en vrijelijk welwillende mensen schofferen, het siert u niet jongeheer Van den Borre.

Intelligent Design impliceert net dat dit soort dwaalleren en dweperijen het licht zullen zien. Intelligent Design scheidt de goeden van de slechten.

Het geloof kent evenwel ook erbarmen. Hopelijk komt u tijdig tot inkeer.

Anonymous said...


You must absolutely, positively, make a hackergotchi from a picture of you with the bicorne and the eyepatch.

You're awesome. I'm sold to pastafarianism now.


localhost said...

I prefer discordianism. It's not really a mock religion. It does have some important lessons, like "don't always trust what you have been taught".
A contradictio in terminis? Yes. It's much like the typical Zen koans.