Tuesday 6 May 2008

Dear lazyweb: phone or pda to sync with ubuntu 8.04?

I'm helping a friend choose a phone or pda that:
  • syncs calendar and contacts perfectly with an Ubuntu 8.04 desktop without any experimental additions
  • is end user proof
Bonus points for a device that:
  • has a builtin 900/1800 GSM phone
  • runs free software itself
  • has long battery life
  • has wifi
  • does SIP telephony
Any hints welcome!


Anonymous said...

i don't know if it is exactly what you need but i think the best buy is the Neo FreeRunner

I'm gonna buy it

Anonymous said...

The Neo would be ideal, but it's not released yet.
If your friend does not want to wait, the Nokia N800 (or N810) internet tablet should even most of the bonuses (no GSM).

Anonymous said...

Treo 650 or 700 (palm versions, not windows) work. There is a small amount of setup required (detailed here http://linux.weilandhomes.com/treo650)

Anonymous said...

According to the latest update on http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Community_Updates, mass production of FreeRunner should start anytime from May 9th to 16th. So if your friend can wait a month longer, he can probably get a FreeRunner by then.

Anonymous said...

Nokia 6301 of 6300i?

(syncs well over bluetooth.. but you'll need a recent opensync)

Anonymous said...

Nokia E65 or the likes (i think most phones based on symbian S60v3), you need a newer version of opensync, this you can find here: https://launchpad.net/~debian-opensync/+archive
and you can also have a look at my (outdated but maybe relevant) guide here: http://www.ugov.be/wiki/index.php?title=Ubuntu_with_Nokia_E65
Syncs with google calendar, evolution (contacts only in feisty, havent tried in gutsy nor hardy since I don't use evo), kitchensync (others to be seen)

Anonymous said...

Traditionally Sony Ericsson phones use standard OBEX, so any one should do fine. I never heard about a SE that wouldn't work.

Anonymous said...

Don't samsung. The ways that device's syncing experience is terrible are too many to list.

Alex Cooks said...

Hello mate nnice blog